The Greatest Guide To printing

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If you use an SKU reference, it will show on the 6x4 Wortmarke at the bottom underneath the Click & Drop / channel reference-this is to aid pick and pack from label alone.

The best way to identify which customs declaration to complete and to input the required information is to use ur customs friendly Click & Drop at send.

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Strictly necessary cookies are essential to enable you to move around this Website and use its features and/or services. These cookies allow this Website to provide services at the request of users.

Make sure you connect to the right service on ur website when we make any changes to the way the website works

Generate customs declarations with orders - by ticking this option, customs declaration forms will be printed for international orders that require here them. Items being shipped to a destination outside of the European Union must have a custom form attached.

These cookies collect information about your browsing habits on this Website in order to make advertising both on this Website and other websites you subsequently visit Erheblich to you and your interests, to Schwellenwert the number of times those adverts are served to you and to help measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

*Please Schulnote: The existing CN22 is due to Beryllium phased out at the Auf dem postweg Office within the next 6 months and will be replaced with a revised version.

Remember things like service selections you have made which are essential for us to provide you with services you have requested

Remember things like information you've entered on order forms when you navigate to different pages during your session on this Website

How to present your mail when using Click & Drop - it's important your mail is presented correctly when handing it over at a Post Office® or to your collection driver.

These cookies collect information about your browsing habits on this Website in order to make advertising both on this Website and other websites you subsequently visit Wichtig to you and your interests, to Schwellenwert the number of times those adverts are served to you and to help measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

*The item value is the value of the goods and should not include postage and packaging costs and cannot Beryllium declared as a zero value or with a value of 0.

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